Youth Prevention Mentors

Empowering & Activating Young Adults

What is YPM?

YPM (Youth Prevention Mentors) is an inspired group of accredited mentors, counselors, and clinicians working in collaboration to mentor adolescents and young adults struggling to thrive, whether from behavioral issues, trauma, or the pressures of growing up in today’s world.

Depression, anxiety, substance use disorder, lack of accountability, and dysregulated executive functioning are often outward manifestations of internal issues. YPM acknowledges and tends to each client with respect, patience, and care. We aim to mitigate crises by providing relatable mentors to allow families to be families again.

Imagine a world where parents get to be parents with love and ease and without constant worry and conflict.

YPM Services

  • YPM works alongside teens to help navigate the every changing landscape of adolescence, which is often times paved with peril.

    Mentoring to help teens establish a sense of self during the years that are so important in identifying identity.

    Mentoring to show teens healthy behaviors and warning signs of poor ones.

  • During a point where young adults are forming their futures and careers, many become lost in their path, and can become stagnant.

    We work with young adults to be accountable, sharpen executive functioning skills, and hone in on what it is they want for themselves, and take the necessary actions to achieve that.

  • In order for many young adults and teens to thrive, healthy support from parents/family dynamic is needed.

    Our family-focused approach allows for parents to get the coaching needed to hold certain boundaries, and support in a loving and firm manner.

    Our coaches will also hold parents accountable for not slipping back to previous ways of thinking that may have not been conducive to progress.


Our vision is for adolescents and young adults to understand their value and role in the family system. YPM seeks to reach each client’s full human potential as they enter adulthood. 

What Clinicians are saying about YPM

“YPM provides a unique connection with teen clients, allowing clients to confide in a relatable person who is sensitive to their challenges and can help them navigate the risks of certain behaviors. Additionally, YPM educates parents through workshops and private meetings to help parents learn to listen, support and communicate with their teens. I only wish there had been a  YPM program in place when my son went through addiction during his adolescent years. As a parent and professional, I am grateful to have YPM as a referral service in my toolbox.”



“As a psychotherapist who specializes in working with young adults; I listen to experiences of disconnection, achievement pressures, and social anxiety in a young person’s life. This is a dangerous experimentation zone; as many teens look to their peers for direction, validation and a sense of belonging. Parents are often described as intrusive and people who would not understand. Feeling understood and heard is a primary prevention measure in helping adolescents. This is where YPM has been a pivotal adjunct service to my private practice.”



YPM can help.
