ForGreen - Donation events as a service, to create the most easy, transparent, fun NFT charity auction, to help organizations raise additional support for a green world!

Project Name: ForGreen
Project Track: Eco-Friendly
Team Name: ForGreen
Team Member(s):2 @Steve20 @bahauddin
Dorahacks Project Link:
Project Goal: Donation events as a service, to create the most easy, transparent, fun NFT charity auction, to help organizations raise additional support for a green world!
Project Info:
Project Website:
Project Test Instructions:
Project Details:
Support charities to raise additional support that create a better world for our planet

What it does Please see the presentation: ForGreen.pptx - Google Slides

What’s next for ForGreen Raise ±200k USD to make the product ready for the first pilots in Q3 2023. This will be done by applying for the SBIR-STTR (America’s Seed Fund), TEDCO (Leading Innovation to Market), GovCon Incubator and America’s SBDC Maryland.

KPIs for the next five years. Social media: - By the end of 2024, we have more then 20k followers on Instagram - By the end of 2024, we have more then 10k discord users

Funding and prizes: - In the year 2023 we have raised at least 200k USD and 100k USD in prizes - By 2025 we have raised at least 2 million USD and 200k USD in prizes

ICO ForGreen - Q3 2025, 25 million tokens (of the 1 billion total supply) of 0,50 USD are sold in private sales - Q4 2025, 100 million tokens (of the 1 billion total supply) of 0,50 USD are sold in public sales Employees

Employees: - By the end of 2023, we will have 15 employees of which at least 40% is women and 30% BAME - By the end of 2026, we will have over 30 employees of which at least 50% is women and 40% BAME Transactions

Users and events: - By the end of 2026, more than 5000 organizations are using ForGreen, over 10.000 events are created and more then 200 million USD is sent on ForGreen.

Revenue In the year 2026: - ForGeeen will have over 20 million USD in revenue, of which 10 million is from transaction fees and 10 million from marketing

Smart Contract links: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器


Welcome to S4

I have a question tho
How exactly does this fulfill the requirements of eco-friendly ?
Also is this similar to something like a crowdfunding?
And it looks more like the project needs a lot of funds to move to next stage what happens if you’re not able to generate that amount of 200k$ that’s a lot.

I think this will be better if well explained


Hi Darkness, did you saw the presentation?:blush: We will put some images also on the page, to make it more clear. We have also done some very good accelerators and a good network, so getting 200k investment/in grants is possible.

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Bienvenido al S4, mi pregunta es la misma que @Darkness, que representa una subasta en una pista ecológica, me gustaría saber la concordancia. Gracias

New concept on web3 tron, wish you all the best.

Bud can you explain this to me cause i dont understand

I feel like you can update your website for mobile devices. It doesn’t look like it is responsive

Hi @bahauddin Welcome to S4!

I had a few questions in regard to the project ForGreen:

  1. Can you provide more details about the SBIR-STTR, TEDCO, GovCon Incubator, and America’s SBDC Maryland programs you plan to apply for funding?

  2. What steps are you taking to ensure the security of the NFT charity auction platform?


Welcome to the tron grand hackathon. I can see alot of projections even to the million of dollars. My only issue is, what environmental problem does your project seek to solve.


Hace unos días pregunté lo mismo y estoy esperando respuesta.

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I can see they have been away from the forum entirely, maybe they are not in for a forum prize but they posted here because it was a requirement. I wish them well


Hi Nana66419, I saw your post. We are busy with development so that’s the reason why we are not very involved with the forum, but of course it’s also important. Our goal is to be a b2b service for charity organisations where people can donate and be involved with creativity to support a green world. Please see our presentation: ForGreen.pptx - Google Slides

Also we are building an immersive room so people can join in VR

Hi SanRam12,

Thank you for the reaction. We are working to make it responsive and also to integrate virtual reality😊

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Thank you Gamerhack😀

Hi EMarchant,

These programs a grants from the US and Europe to support innovation and startup. We are working with an organisation that will help us with the applications.

The charity auction is like blockchain blocks. So, it is not possible to delete any charity auction which has already made and finished. :blush:

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Hi xcitydev, which part do you want more information?:blush:

This is a really interesting and valuable project! Good luck guys!

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Thank you CryptoDo for this kind message😊


One of the prominent eco project! It shows that you put so much effort on that project, and try to create opportunities. I hope you see various success achievements soon :mechanical_arm:


Thank you so much Annnouh, we are working now to make it mobile ready😊

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