Below are the most current prices of the 9 strategic metals private clients can purchase through us, as well as their price movements this year (YTD).
These include in-demand technology metals Gallium, Germanium, Hafnium, Indium, and Rhenium, as well as the rare earth elements Dysprosium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, and Terbium.
Please contact us or book a Zoom call for a quote if you want to buy and/or sell any of these strategic metals. The final price of a metal depends on many factors, such as batch size or purity.
Last updated Mar 14 2025
The current price of Dysprosium is $331.80 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is –5.09%
Since Jan 2020 Dysprosium is down –3.89%
The current price of Neodymium is $96.10 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +1.00%
Since Jan 2020 Neodymium is up +47.85%
The current price of Praseodymium is $96.90 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +1.84%
Since Jan 2020 Praseodymium is up +33.16%
The current price of Terbium is $1469.20 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +6.26%
Since Jan 2020 Terbium is up +119.94%
The current price of Gallium is $950.50 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +2.08%
Since Jan 2020 Gallium is up +218.75%
The current price of Germanium is $4151.00 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +1.75%
Since Jan 2020 Germanium is up +102.97%
The current price of Hafnium is $4293.10 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is –0.65%
Since Jan 2020 Hafnium is up +174.19%
The current price of Indium is $725.70 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +4.90%
Since Jan 2020 Indium is up +130.30%
The current price of Rhenium is $2485.90 per kg.
The Year to Date price change is +1.01%
Since Jan 2020 Rhenium is up +45.25%
Want to learn how you can profit from owning rare earths and technology metals?