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International reach.
Personal touch.

Experience our leading sea freight expertise –
benefit from the best LCL services.

This is GW North America!

We provide exceptional customer service through a dedicated point of contact and proactive solutions tailored to your specific freight forwarding needs. You benefit from a streamlined communications process and reliable, consistent, and flexible logistics services. See for yourself how GWmoves.

Our Locations Worldwide

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What our customers say

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What our customers say
We rely on Gebrüder Weiss' long years of expertise and its proven, tightly integrated network.
Josef Oberessl, Manager Logistics Central & South Europe, Liebherr

GW moves your future

People who work at Gebrüder Weiss love mobility. But moving goods from A to B is only the start. Gebrüder Weiss wants to play a sustainable role in shaping the future of logistics. That's why we're always looking for employees who want to move in that direction as well.

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