🧹6 Tips to Spring Cleaning Your Life!

🧹6 Tips to Spring Cleaning Your Life! Rekindle your intention and relaunch into aligned actions

Welcome back to "The Microdose Diet" newsletter, your trusted source for achieving success, passion, and happiness in life and career through alternative medicines like microdosing psychedelics. 🍄

Ah, Spring! The season of rebirth, renewal, and for some strange reason, the irresistible urge to clean everything in sight. But why stop with your cluttered garage or those dust bunnies plotting their next move under your bed?

I wrote in the past about the benefits of cleansing as a way to get unstuck. Clearing is step 0 of any transformation…you have to make space for better things to come and get rid of anything and everything that is not congruent with your vision of success.

Spring is the best time to rekindle your intention and relaunch yourself into aligned actions. To do so, you first have to remove the weeds, and then plant the seeds of your success.

It's now high time you embraced a full-scale Spring Cleaning Extravaganza – mind, body, spirit, emotions, and yes, even that junk drawer that's become a black hole for batteries and unidentified keys. Grab your brooms, and dustpans – you're diving into the ultimate to-do list for a comprehensive spring clean that'll leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world (or at least your closet).

😶‍🌫️Mind Detox: Clear Out Those Mental Cobwebs

Let's kick things off with a mental Marie Kondo session. If your thoughts don't spark joy, it's time to thank them for their service and show them the door. Are your limiting beliefs telling you that “You suck”, “You can’t do this”, “You should be better” and so on? Well let’s fire them once and for all! A quick and easy fix is to start by unfollowing the negativity on social media – yes, including that friend who posts nothing but their perfect life (we all know they're lying about enjoying kale). Replace doomscrolling with something uplifting, like cat videos or whatever makes your neurons do the happy dance.

My favorite thing to do before an important chat, such as an interview with The WSJ 😉 is to watch videos from FailArmy. I know I am a terrible person. But for me there is something magical in seeing people sliding on frozen sidewalks, falling from their canoes and getting kicked from devices obviously made for a small child.

Firing your negative beliefs seems easier said than done? Pre-order The Microdose Diet for a holistic protocol to do just that in 90 days!

🛀Body Buff and Shine: Get Moving!

Your body is your temple, so let's do some spring cleaning on the old homestead. Start by dusting off those workout clothes and actually putting them to use. Dance like nobody's watching, jog like you're mildly enthusiastic about it, or just stretch to reach the remote better. Whatever gets you moving! Consider a detox by swapping out one of your daily coffees for, dare I say, water? Your liver and kidneys will throw you a thank-you parade. And don’t forget about those colonics!! Your entire guts will make a happy dance.

For the past few weeks I have been on a no-alcohol, no dairy, no sugar, no wheat detox. Is it life-changing? Absolutely! Now, I only have to choose between 3 ingredients when preparing my meal. Did I lose weight? Barely. Do I feel great about myself? Totally! This diet is probably the most empowering thing I have ever done for myself. You might elect to take Epson salts bath every night. That works too.

🧘Spirit Sprucing: Zen Your Way to Serenity

Your spirit is like that one drawer you shove everything into – it's time to tidy up. Try meditation, but if sitting quietly isn't your thing, meditative activities like knitting, gardening, or even coloring can do wonders. The goal is to find peace, even if it's just five minutes hiding in the bathroom from your kids, pets, or significant other.

Tapping meditation is a magical tool for accessing more serenity and calming the f%#k down. Try this one, it will only take you 5 minutes and it will rock your world. Courtesy of The Microdose Diet Masterclass. ❤️

Get that Extra Boost of Calm, Clarity, and Willpower with the Brain Power Microdose.

😭Emotional Deep Clean: It's Okay to Cry Over Spilled Milk

Emotions can get messy. It's time to declutter those feelings you've been storing in the back of your emotional closet. Write a letter to someone who hurt you, then ceremoniously burn it (safely, please – we're cleansing, not summoning the fire department). Laugh, cry, scream into a pillow – let it all out. You'll feel lighter, and your pillow might appreciate the attention.

If your emotions need a bit more of TLC, journaling is a fabulous way to process old stuck 💩.

🧽Physical Cleanse: The Actual Cleaning Part

Yes, we have to talk about actual cleaning (sigh). Make it fun by blasting your favorite tunes or turning it into a workout (squat while you sweep, I read that is what Carrie Underwood did. You know you want these thighs!). Organize that junk drawer, donate clothes you haven't worn in a year, and finally tackle that scary shelf in the fridge. Remember, cleanliness is next to godliness, and who doesn't want to be a deity of detergent?

And remember, anything and everything that is not congruent with your vision needs to go. Yes that includes the old knick-knacks from your mother, the out-of-fashion-too-small clothes, and the books you will never read.

🤓Be Smart About it & Get Help!

The Microdose Diet is your 90 day turnkey guide to refresh, restart, relaunch, reset and get to the next level, YOUR next level. Let it be your sherpa to more success, passion and happiness…it doesn’t have to be difficult, nor complex. Just one step at a time and in 90 days you will be upgraded!

The book is out on May 7th, the masterclass on May 4th, and the Brain Power Microdose is already available…so you don’t have any excuses for not launching into Spring Action!

📋To-Do List Summary

  • Mind: Unfollow negativity, follow joy.

  • Body: Move in fun ways, hydrate like you love yourself.

  • Spirit: Find your zen, wherever it may hide.

  • Emotions: Let it all out, safely.

  • Physical: Clean with gusto, dance with a mop.

  • The Microdose Diet: Your turnkey guide to a better Spring.

This spring, let's commit to cleaning up our act – all facets of it. By summer, you'll be so light, fresh, and clutter-free, you might just float away (or at least feel like it). So here's to dusting off the old and welcoming the new, one laugh and one cleaned shelf at a time. Happy Spring Cleaning!


Share Your Thoughts and Join the Conversation

After watching the episode, share your views in the comments! Also, listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

😎 About The Microdose Diet

I'm Peggy Van de Plassche, a former banker and VC with 20 years in financial services and technology. "The Microdose Diet" combines alternative medicines like microdosing psilocybin for personal and professional growth.

Pre-order my book, "MORE! The Microdose Diet - the 90 Day Plan for Success, Passion, and Happiness," available on Amazon.

🧠 The Brain Power Microdose: Supporting Cognitive Health and Stress Relief

Thanks for reading, listening, and engaging. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram for more insights.

Remember, this newsletter is for entertainment and information. Always consult a medical professional for health advice. 🩺

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🏋️Spotlight Interview: Revolutionizing Wellness in the Workplace with Dilan Gomih

🏋️Spotlight Interview: Revolutionizing Wellness in the Workplace with Dilan Gomih

Welcome back to "The Microdose Diet" newsletter, your trusted source for achieving success, passion, and happiness in life and career through alternative medicines like microdosing psychedelics. 🍄

Good day Esteemed Reader!

In this issue, I shine a spotlight on an inspiring interview from The Microdose Diet podcast, featuring Dilan Gomih, a trailblazer at the intersection of wellness and the corporate world.

Meet Dilan Gomih: From Finance to Fitness

Dilan Gomih's journey is nothing short of remarkable. With an educational background from Yale and Harvard Business School, she transitioned from a high-powered career in finance to making significant strides in the fitness industry. As an instructor at Barry's Bootcamp and the founder of Dilagence, her advisory firm, Dilan is redefining how we integrate wellness into our professional lives.

The Birth of Dilagence

During the interview I delved into the story behind Dilagence; this company is Dilan's answer to a corporate culture that often neglects well-being. By leveraging her personal experience and professional expertise, Dilan aims to help organizations achieve high performance through the power of well-being. Her approach is rooted in the belief that personal health and professional excellence are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary.

You Can also Use The Microdose Diet to reach your Wellness, Fitness and Weight Goals. By removing your blocks and limitations, TMD is Step 0 of any improvement you want to see in your life.

A Revolutionary Approach: The 60-Second Workout

One of the interview's highlights was the introduction of the 60-second workout, a novel concept designed to fit the hectic schedules of busy professionals. This exercise demonstrates that meaningful movement can be incorporated into one's daily routine, regardless of time constraints. Dilan emphasizes the transformative power of reclaiming even just a minute for oneself, illustrating the profound impact that presence can have on energy levels and mindset. Dilan’s approach of small impactful decisions really resonated with me. By breaking the momentum, she leads us to be in our personal power. It is mindfulness a minute at a time.


Transforming Corporate Wellness

Dilan also shared insights into her work with organizations, focusing on enhancing and utilizing wellness programs effectively. Through Dilagence, she conducts workshops and strategies tailored to the needs of various industries, proving that a healthy workforce is a more productive and satisfied one. Her efforts challenge the traditional notion of corporate wellness, advocating for a more integrated and accessible approach.

Combine the Brain Power Microdose with The Microdose Diet to Achieve more Presence and Reclaim your Personal Power.

Key Takeaways

  • Self-Care as a Priority: Dilan reminds us that taking care of oneself is not an act of selfishness but a necessity. By being our best selves, we contribute more effectively to our workplaces and communities.

  • The Power of a Minute: The 60-second workout is a testament to the idea that small actions can lead to big changes. It's about reclaiming control over our well-being, one minute at a time.

  • Wellness is a Corporate Responsibility: Dilan's work underscores the importance of organizational support in employee wellness. By investing in well-being, companies can enhance performance, reduce burnout, and foster a more positive workplace culture.

This interview reminds you of the incredible potential within each of us to transform our lives and the environments we inhabit. Dilan Gomih's story and philosophy offer a blueprint for integrating wellness into your daily routines, proving that with the right approach, achieving balance is within reach.

For more information about Dilan Gomih and Dilagence, please refer to the link and detail provided below. Let's commit to making wellness a cornerstone of our personal and professional lives!

Stay well and empowered until our next issue.

Dilagence by Dilan Gomih is a unique methodology that focuses on helping busy professionals take control of their time, transform their productivity, and enhance their performance by prioritizing their well-being through a custom-tailored workout that fits into their lives.


Share Your Thoughts and Join the Conversation

After watching the episode, share your views in the comments! Also, listen to the episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

😎 About The Microdose Diet

I'm Peggy Van de Plassche, a former banker and VC with 20 years in financial services and technology. "The Microdose Diet" combines alternative medicines like microdosing psilocybin for personal and professional growth.

Pre-order my book, "MORE! The Microdose Diet - the 90 Day Plan for Success, Passion, and Happiness," available on Amazon.

🧠 The Brain Power Microdose: Supporting Cognitive Health and Stress Relief

Thanks for reading, listening, and engaging. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram for more insights.

Remember, this newsletter is for entertainment and information. Always consult a medical professional for health advice. 🩺

#career #success #passion #happiness #personaldevelopment #professional development #themicrodosediet #psychedelics #microdosing #psilocybin