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Barranco Gold Mining Corp., headquartered in Vancouver, is a gold-focused exploration company dedicated to advancing the King Gold Project within Canada's emerging gold district, the Spences Bridge Gold Belt (SBGB). The company holds 3,200 hectares across eight 100% owned claims strategically positioned in this promising region. The SBGB is a 110 km northwest-trending belt characterized by intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks of the Cretaceous Spences Bridge Group, known for their potential to host low-sulphidation epithermal gold quartz veins. Barranco's experienced leadership team is committed to the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility, focusing on generating positive outcomes and returns for all stakeholders. With a favorable capital structure and a project led by industry expert Reno J. Calabrigo, Barranco is entering an exciting phase of exploration, offering early-stage investors a compelling opportunity in a low-cost jurisdiction with year-round exploration potential.