
First step 1 accreditation of a Processing Plant in Peru

New at Swiss Better Gold

Swiss Better Gold Association & Inca One Gold Corporation announce the first step 1 accreditation of a Processing Plant in Peru

The Swiss Better Gold Association (SBG Association) is a non-profit industry association dedicated to improving social and environmental conditions in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) communities and facilitating the entry of responsible artisanal gold to the Swiss market. To reach its objectives, the SBG implements a simple, market driven ASGM inclusion approach consisting of supporting ASGM producers in gradually achieving a number of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

Today, the Association is happy to announce its first Step 1 accreditation of a processing plant in Peru. This milestone achievement was made possible through cooperation and alignment with Inca One Gold Corporation, a Canadian-based mineral processing company running two gold milling facilities in Peru.

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