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Lorem Ipsum Is Simply Dummy
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Lorem Ipsum Is Simply Dummy
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Lorem Ipsum Is Simply Dummy
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Lorem Ipsum Is Simply Dummy
Text Of The Printing .

Mission Purpose
Council of Hmong Public Relations (CHPR): Address Hmong Security, building a Global Hmong Community, and striving for Societal Modernization.
The Council of Hmong Public Relations (CHPR) is a non-profit organization Committee on Advocating for a Hmong Country, which includes peace, security, economic development, and the pursuit of a country. CHPR is dedicated to serving the Hmong people to strive for self-sufficiency and self-determination and safeguard Hmong rights.
Donation for Global Hmong Community
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Council Officers
Soua Moua
Peter Lee
Vice President
Sor Vang
Nick Xiong

Committee on Advocating for a Hmong Country
The Hmong people are native to Asia since the dawn of time. Through war, occupation, and conflict, their ancestral lands were taken away by neighboring powers. The signing of the two treaties by Western powers, namely, the Franco-Chinese Treaty in 1885 and the Franco-Siam Treaty of 1907, established today’s boundaries in Asia for Hmong Security.
Committee of Economic Development
Access to sustainable livelihoods and economic well-being is critical to the success of thriving Hmong communities. To achieve this, the Committee of Economic Development is dedicated to making efforts to establish economic development mechanisms and provide the necessary training to Hmong people.

Committee of Human Rights
CHPR’s unwavering commitment to Hmong welfare and Hmong rights is embodied in this vital committee. Driven by a history marked by persecution and insecurity within Hmong ancestral lands, the committee of human rights stands resolute. The committee proactively monitors potential threats to Hmong communities worldwide.
The Committee for the Right of Self-Determination
The Committee for the Right of Self-Determination leads the charge for CHPR’s mission to help the Hmong community achieve self-determination, aligning its efforts with the principles outlined in UN Article 1. At the core of the committee’s mission is the firm belief that, like all nations and peoples worldwide, the Hmong people possess the inherent right to determine their political status and shape their economic, social, and cultural development freely.

The Committee of Hmong Transformation
Preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Hmong people is critical to our mission at CHPR. By supporting Hmong publications, cultural events, and outreach programs, this committee is unwavering in its efforts for cultural preservation. The Committee of Economic Development also aims to help the Global Hmong community embrace modernity, become self-sufficient, and become productive members of society in the US and Asia.